RWSS/Depot Raipur are committed to ensure availability of right quality materials at right time to all our customers in Wagon Repair shop, Raipur. It is our Endeavour to strive for continual improvement in effectiveness of quality and service level to our customer of Wagon Repair shop, Raipur
About RWSS/Raipur:-
This depot is established in 1968 to cater the requirement of Wagon Repair Shop, Raipur.
At present RWSS/Depot/Raipur has 470 stock item like:-
C&W item:- CTRB-Draft gear, Yoke, Coupler body, Grease seal, EM pad, CP top. CP Bottom, Outer & Inner bolster, knuckle etc.
WTA item:- Wheel, Axle
Oil and Gas:-Lubricant Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Kerosene, Machine tool Oil, Diesel Oil, Grease, DA Gas, Compressed Oxygen and Industrial cutting gas etc.
Paint & Electrodes:- Paint Synthetic & Enamel, Electrodes Class B-1, B-2 A-1, A-2, M-1 & M-2 etc.
Steel items:- M.S. Nut and Bolt Rivet, Washer, M.S. Sheet, M.S. Plate, M.S. Angle, M.S. Channel, M.S. Round, Flat Steel etc.
Other items:- Rubber items, Shoes, Cotton Waste, Helmet etc.
Silent feature of RWSS/Raipur
Material Management functions has came a long way from arranging few raw materials to approximately 470 items having regular consumption i.e. stock items (pertaining to BCN,BOXN, BOXNHL, BOBRN etc. and approximately 300 items having occasional consumption i. Non-stock items.
At present RWSS/Raipur is headed by Dy. Chief Materials Manager along with a team of Senior Supervisors [Chief Depot Material Superintendent], Supervisors [Depot Material Superintendent], Ministerial and other staff are involved in Materials Management functions with robust planning right procurement, proper warehousing timely dispatches and strict budgeting.
Procurement through Government e market place (Gem) is done for common goods and services.
The procurement is being done from vendors approved by RDSO/ICF etc. The vendor base is pan India.
This depot has taken initiative for vendor development to support Governments Make in India Policy also take healthy step to encourage MSE vendor.
Annual cumulative issue: 110 Cr.
Safety items : 70 Nos.
Vital items : 07 Nos.